
Hi and welcome to episode 3 of the I Walk Toronto podcast. I’m Lorrie. Thank you for listening.


Introduction – what I’ve seen

I’m writing this podcast on New Year’s Eve day. I actually haven’t been walking that much over the last few days – well, not a lot for me. I need to get over my tendonitis issues in order to start training in earnest for Berlin. Spending time off my feet has done wonders, as I’m almost back to 100%. And that’s important, as I only have twelve weeks to go before I take another shot at an 1 hour 40 minute half marathon. My personal best is 1.44, so I have some time to make up.


I have been out and about, though, and one thing that I’ve seen that’s really made an impact is a piece of graffiti on Queen St. West, just past Sorauren. Pink and white letters that state: ‘You are unaware of the effect you have.’ I’ve posted a pic up on my website, iwalktoronto.ca. It’s one of those pieces you can walk past a hundred times and not notice, but I saw it earlier in the week and will be carrying it with me into 2015.


I wouldn’t say I’m overly self-absorbed, but let’s face it, there are times when everyone is. I’ve always been conscious of the effects my words can have on someone, but there have been times when I haven’t cared. Not often, but maybe once or twice a year. Is that still too much? Keeping in mind that you have an effect is important. We all do. Our actions and inactions, especially in our relationships with other people, matter. It’s something I’ll continue to think about.


What I’m listening to

I spent some time over the holidays helping a friend move house, and in return was loaned three boxes of records – all of which he picked without my input, so each is a surprise. The cartons are definitely a mix – from rare Schooly D to rare German Smiths pressings to the odd Australian punk compilation or two. I’ve resolved to go through the collection, one by one, and listen to each record at least once.


Of course I got hung up on one song when I was only three or four records in. The record is the Buzzcocks, Singles Going Steady. Buzzcocks are one of those bands who you think you’ve probably never heard, but go through this compilation, and you’ll most likely find half a dozen tracks that you recognize. Now, I don’t remember ever hearing the song, ‘Why Can’t I Touch It’, but it immediately grabbed my attention. At the moment, I can’t think of anything recorded in 1978 that still sounds so fresh and contemporary. It’s got one of those basslines, like Fugazi’s Waiting Room, or AC/DC’s Whole Lotta Rosie, that instantly takes hold and won’t let you go. If you’ve ever wanted something or someone badly, only to find your desire left unrequited…or worse, crushed, then this song is going to resonate. It certainly has with me. I’ve probably listened to it fifty times over the past week and I’m sure I’ll listen to it fifty times more. It’s so teenage boy, is what I think my friend Lisa would say. Anyway, the compilation is available for $7.99 on iTunes, and you should probably buy it.


What I’ve been thinking about

Since the last podcast I’ve been thinking about goals and resolutions for 2015. Well, I’ve been thinking about them for months now, but since it’s the end of the year it’s time to write them down. To start, I went over my goals from this time last year. I’ve been tempted to try to completely push 2014 from memory, but I think that’s a waste. I had a lot of good times in 2014. In some ways that’s been part of the problem I’ve had to face. There were a lot of good things that I’ve spent a lot of time missing, instead of continuing to do them.


The lesson learned is to take what I enjoyed and keep that in mind for what I want to achieve in 2015 and beyond. I know that I need to stay committed to my goals of change and growth – I need to be mindful of the effect I have and make sure that my actions and relationships are positive.


I need to avoid negativity and cynicism.


It’s a difficult thing when your goal is to not do something as opposed to do something, especially when you’re an action-oriented person. Maybe that’s why there are 12-step programs. The actions of completing the twelve steps help to make up for the fact that the real action lays in the inaction – not drinking or doing drugs or what have you.


I know I did some good things in 2014, but I also did some terrible things. Those stay in the past.


For now, my 2015 goals are to read a book a month, a carryover from 2014, to travel more, which so far is looking good with my trip to Berlin, to run at least two half marathons, also looking good with Berlin and Goodlife Toronto booked, to learn a language, and then some goals around time with my daughter. There are some things I was going to add to my list, but rather than make them goals, I’d rather have them as positive outcomes. Especially if they concern relationships with other people. If there’s one thing I learned in 2014, it’s you can’t control the behavior of another person, only your own.


The key, regardless what your goals are, is to remain resolute. Stick to your guns. If you decide you’re going to do something, or not do something, as the case may be, then be unwavering. Sometimes life boils down to simple physics: objects at rest tend to stay at rest. If you’re unhappy with something, then the only way to make change happen is to make change happen. Get in motion!


Tips on staying healthy over the winter

It’s getting colder again, and I’m almost ready to add a hat to my winter wardrobe. My friend Rich was kind enough to bring me back a toque from New York that’s going into my bag when I start back walking to work next week. I might even put it on, though hat head drives me crazy, and I don’t want to be one of those assholes who wears their toque inside all day. If you are one of those assholes, I mean no offence. I’m sure you look cool. Maybe your head is cold. I don’t know. Who am I to judge?

Regardless of what you decide to do about your headgear, here’s my tip for the week: drink more water. Skin dry? Drink water. Lips chapped? Drink water. Urine coming out neon yellow? Drink water!


I’m an eczema sufferer and I’ve had problems with my hands drying out and cracking every winter, until I started to drink more water. Now, unless I’ve neglected the water, or spent a bit too much time drinking beer, my hands stay intact. Which believe me, is a nice thing.


At least try it. Crème covers the symptoms, but does nothing for the cause. Trust me.



Closing thoughts

In closing for 2014, be kind. Until someone figures out how to build a time machine, you only get once chance to do things the right way. Try to do them the right way. You’re going to fuck up in life. It’s inevitable. Try to keep those fuckups to a minimum, especially when they involve other people. Be graceful.


My other closing thought at the end of 2014 is that I feel extremely lucky. Maybe it’s the result of whom I follow on social media, but there was a lot of crap news this year. I’m very thankful to live in a quiet, relatively uneventful part of the world, and I hope that it can stay that way. Any loss of human life is tragic, but the increased barbarism that seems to be prevalent is a horrible trend that needs to stop. I don’t know that the answer is an escalation of violence to act as a deterrence, but there has to be something. Cops need to stop killing unarmed civilians. ISIL needs to stop beheading journalists and everyone needs to stop killing kids.



Thanks for listening. If you want to get in touch, you can send me an email to iwalktoronto@gmail.com. Or follow me on twitter @iwalktoronto. The Facebook group, if you want to join, is iwalktoronto – one word. As is my instagram account. I have a blog to host the podcast, which is iwalktoronto.ca. And you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes – search for I Walk Toronto, this time three words. If you enjoyed it, please rate the episode. If you have questions or comments, please get in touch.


Thanks again.


Bye for now, and remember, be awesome.


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